Last webpage update – 12.1.24
The South Carolina Statewide ARES HF Net provides another communications path in time of emergency. While subject to the vagaries of HF propagation, it is often available when other systems are not. A training net is currently held weekly on Tuesdays at 6:00 PM local time on 3.990 MHz (+/-) LSB. All licensed hams with 75-meter operating privileges are invited to participate.
We typically run Netlogger during the net to communicate frequency changes, add comments/notes, etc. You are welcome and encouraged to follow along in Netlogger.
Link to the most recent SC Statewide ARES HF check-in log: 11.26.24 SC Statewide ARES HF Net
Why Winlink? Voice is not always the optimal communication option. Consider: you’re on a noisy HF band requiring repeats and/or relays, or you have a long list of supplies needed for an evacuation shelter, or you want to send a photograph from a disaster scene to emergency management. Winlink is a practical and reliable option in these instances.
On-line resources to learn about Winlink:
Winlink Basics
In about 10 minutes, this YouTube video will help new users install Winlink software and set up an account to be able to send traffic using Winlink Telnet which requires only a computer with internet access: no radio is required.
Beyond Winlink Basics After you’ve learned Telnet, you’ll want to expand your capabilities by adding your radio. Some radios are equipped with sound cards needed for digital traffic. Others will need an interface such as a SignaLink a Digirig or a DRA. Several excellent online resources that you can reference to help with this include, RATPAC, and Wavetalkers. Consider also
Members of local clubs and/or ARES groups who have Winlink experience and expertise can help you learn Winlink and help you successfully connect your radio. Lastly, you can certainly search Google, YouTube, IO Groups, even Facebook to find resources and online communities that can provide helpful information on Winlink or just about whatever or pretty much any aspect of the amateur radio hobby.
Winlink practice opportunities:
SC Winlink Tuesday – Our local homegrown effort to promote learning and practicing Winlink Please take time on Tuesdays to practice using Winlink. Send a message to someone, reply to a message, add a form (template) any mode is fine. To be included on the weekly SC Winlink Tuesday check-in summary and map, be sure to include the email address on the Cc: distribution.
Here’s a link to a Google sheet any user can update and use as a reference to know who is available and when (like “spotting”): Please edit to reflect your availability.
Winlink Wednesday – Originating from Virginia since 2016 Winlink Wednesday provides another opportunity to practice using different modes. Instructions: Most recent check-in map:
Florida Winlink Net Check in to this net any day of the week W4AKH Winlink Net Map of last 14 days of check-ins: W4AKH Florida Winlink Net
Passing message traffic
In keeping with the role of this being a training net and to improve the emergency response skills of net participants, the HF net planning group encourages passing of message traffic during the net.
Ideally each week, toward the end of the net, we’ll include some sort of traffic, such as an ICS-213. Participation is encouraged, but voluntary.
If you are interested in being either a sender or receiver, please send a note to KN4KRZ at
Are you interested in learning more about ARES?
If so, you’ll want to contact your County ARES Emergency Coordinator (EC) or ARES District Emergency Coordinator (DEC) from the Leadership Directory linked below. The EC will explain expectations and the requirements for becoming a member of ARES. Link to ARES Leadership Directory: SC ARES – Learn more about ARES here: SC ARES (
Emergency Communications Opportunities Available To You – Follow this link: Amateur Radio – Emergency Communications Opportunities Handout Rev. 6.14.24
Links to ICS Forms (with instructions)
ICS 213 General Message FILLABLE pdf
ICS 213RR Resource Request FILLABLE pdf
ICS 205 Incident Radio Communications Plan FILLABLE pdf
ICS 309 Station Comm Log FILLABLE pdf
ICS 214 Activity Log FILLABLE pdf
Palmetto Resource Request form V2A.docx (
Radiogram.PDF (
ICS Forms Emergency Management Institute | ICS Fillable Forms ( Added 7.20.24
Winlink Workshop – Learn about Winlink from experts
Winlink Workshop Twelve-Week-Zoom-Series
Net Control Station (NCS) coverage
SC Statewide ARES HF Net Script